Chest Osteochondrosis: What Is It?
Patients are accustomed to treating osteochondrosis lightly, but if left untreated, thoracic osteochondrosis can be harmful to health. The disease typically affects the cervical and thoracic spine, affecting quality of life.
What is a degree?
- The first stagePeople usually don't notice any changes and experience no pain, but the disc begins to lose its elasticity, causing the characteristic bulge that occurs when the disc herniates into the spinal canal without the annulus fibrosus rupturing.
- second stage——The condition progresses and neurological symptoms such as pain and dizziness appear. The intervertebral disc is less elastic; if the annulus fibrosus ruptures, there is a risk of bulging into the spinal canal - forming a hernia.
- The third phaseThis pain is very inconvenient and is exacerbated by the presence of a hernia.
- Thoracic osteochondrosisStage 4Characterized by progressive neurological symptoms, the intervertebral discs completely lose their stiffness and elasticity. The destruction of the vertebrae begins.

Although osteochondrosis often accompanies another spinal pathology, scoliosis, which is evident by visual inspection, it is not possible to identify osteochondrosis by external signs.
what could be the reason
- A sedentary lifestyle leads to weak back muscles.
- The posture is incorrect and the posture is uncomfortable.
- Various back injuries, improper lifting (yanking from the floor), strenuous physical activity.
- Other spinal disorders.
- Nutritional deficiencies, in which the diet lacks essential vitamins and minerals, especially calcium, which is necessary for the formation of healthy bone tissue.
- Pregnant. Women often notice signs of osteochondrosis in the chest area during pregnancy, when the load on the spine becomes higher; in addition, due to the additional cost of resources, the body is often deficient in vitamins and minerals.
- genetics. The likelihood of developing this disease increases if you have a relative who has it. In this case, you need to worry about prevention.

Typically, when making a diagnosis, doctors identify a variety of factors: sedentary work, frequent inappropriate lifting, and poor posture.
Symptoms of chest osteochondrosis
- Severe, squeezing pain in the upper chest area, it gets worse after exercising, working hard, or being in awkward positions. It may be accompanied by shortness of breath, coughing, and breathing problems.
- Feeling cold on hands and feetMy limbs are numb for no reason.
- Headache, dizziness, foggy eyes, blurred vision, feeling tired, lack of air. When a disc shifts, nerve endings and blood vessels become compressed, which is why neurological symptoms occur.
These are the main symptoms of intervertebral osteochondrosis. Some patients experience gastrointestinal and cardiac pain, which often leads to incorrect diagnosis. The nature of pain also varies. For example, some patients experience long-term, non-acute pain—back painOr conversely, severe pain that stiffens muscles and makes breathing difficult -back.

- During the development of the disease, accompanying diseases are added to the main disease. Therefore, prolonged compression of blood vessels in the spinal area can lead toleading to cardiovascular system failure, which in particularly severe cases can disrupt heart function.
- Another common complication, especially when osteochondrosis of the chest and neck is combined, isvegetative vascular dystonia. The blood vessels and nerve endings are compressed, disrupting the normal nutrition of the brain, causing patients to suffer from long-term and severe headaches, dizziness, foggy eyes, blurred vision and other symptoms. In advanced cases, fainting may occur due to back disease.
- May come from nervous systempanic attack, this happens when the mind or body is overly stressed or severely fatigued. During these moments, patients will notice a rapid heartbeat and breathing problems: difficulty breathing, not enough air.
- Another complication that creates difficulties not only for patients but also for doctors isIntercostal neuralgia.Compression of the thoracic nerve roots can produce a specific pain syndrome reminiscent of the sensations associated with heart disease. Patients with heart disease visit their doctors, which complicates diagnosis. This disease is accompanied by various pathologies of the spine, but usually, its symptoms disappear with the onset of treatment.

Treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis
Treatment involves multiple factors that work together. To relieve symptoms and prevent the condition from getting worse, medications and physical therapy are often used. Surgery is only needed if a herniated disc occurs. There are dozens of home treatments, but each should be discussed with your doctor to avoid worsening the condition.
medical treatement

The most popular and affordable way to home. Massage can relieve pain by relieving muscle tension. The best results can be obtained from a specialist, but self-massage of the collar area can also bring benefits. The effect on muscles helps relax sore areas. Massage is recommended during the course.
exercise therapy
Every treatment hasContraindications, consult a doctor before use. In addition, vitamin and mineral complexes have a complex effect on diseases and can be used to restore the proper nutrition of cartilage tissue and joints.
What to do when osteochondrosis gets worse
folk remedies

There are contraindications and it is necessary to consult a specialist.